
Email & Online Fundraising

Email remains the killer app of the Internet age. A healthy email list is the lifeblood of many organizations precisely because – if you build a permission-based list – you are delivering your message to readers that want to hear from you. We have been building email advocacy, fundraising, and marketing campaigns for nearly 20 years and we can help your campaign use it to get more people involved, raise more money, and win. 

Bright+3 is an end-to-end partner for your organization’s email campaigns. We help set campaign goals, plan timelines, design and code materials, implement list-building strategies, integrate with your communications and organizational strategies, write or edit content, install and manage analytics and database tools, integrate email with social, print or web platforms, and provide guidance on staffing and adapting your organizational structure to get the most out of your email efforts.

Because half or more of all email today is read on handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets, we work with clients to optimize their email and related communications processes for mobile devices. We also focus on deliverability and “sharability” of email and response forms. This attention to detail can significantly improve your campaigns, increase list growth, and reduce attrition.


Read more about our focus on form optimization, message testing and analytics to support online fundraising campaigns.

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